Common but Avoidable Recruiting Problems that drive Engineering Managers to the Brink!
Written by Jonathan Schultz on April 5th 2023
If you’re an engineering manager, and you’ve been leading software teams for any length of time, no one has to convince you that hiring great people and building high performance teams is hard work.

I wish I had different news to report, but I’m afraid I’ve not seen any signs that would lead us to believe that hiring is going to magically get easier anytime soon.

If you’re feeling the same frustration and you’re looking for a competitive advantage, you’re in the right place. But to set the stage, first let’s talk about a few of the most daunting challenges.

When I look at my startup clients, the fast movers who aren’t just maintaining steady growth, but tasked with growing at break-neck speed, I see four problems that are widespread and making a demanding job, even more so.

Four Problems

1. Hiring Managers consistently report that are not seeing enough qualified candidates. Poor candidate flow and long hiring cycles creates a host of related hiring difficulties, not the least of which is burnout. Overworked teams scrambling to keep pace despite being short staffed are frequently in danger of reaching their breaking point. Though this is not a simple equation, the anchor issue that is usually at the root of this problem is the fact that they’re operating on a talent-surplus-model in a talent-scarcity-market. In straight-talk, you’re depending on a post-a-job-ad-and-wait model that will never deliver the results you need when the competition for talent is tight.

2. Nearly every company has a plan to overcome hiring spikes, and periodic spurts of fast growth. Traditionally, the gold standard backup plan when you’re tasked with fast growth, and advertising can’t deliver an adequate candidate pipeline is to engage one or more contingency agencies to widen the pipeline. Unfortunately, the majority of contingency firms are no longer prepared to deliver what’s needed. Why? Because they’ve been asked to prioritize speed over accuracy for so long that they’ve switched their business model to sourcing with the exact same techniques your internal corporate recruiters are using. So instead of wider pipeline you get additional competition for talent and higher costs.

3. Let’s just be honest. No matter the market, slow-brisk-or over-heated, the best candidates are always in high demand. And, going after the best has its own unique set of challenges that most corporate recruiting departments aren’t geared up to handle. First, the best candidates search for jobs differently, and have a different set of career criteria. Because of this, standard job descriptions seldom attract them, and when they do, too often internal HR/Recruiting process weeds them out before they even reach you. Why? The best always do more with less, so on paper they often don’t look qualified. They learn faster, and they produce more and better results with less experience. It’s not uncommon for the best 3 year developer to out produce an average developer with 5 years of experience or more without breaking a sweat.

4. All of these factors may have your internal recruiting team overwhelmed. Even those with stellar skills are trying to do the impossible, and frankly need divine intervention. Most have so many open positions that directing resumes and coordinating interviews absorbs every moment of their time. Even the best struggle to have a meaningful impact because they have so much on their plate that their most valuable skills languish from non-use.

Are you feeling the effects of any or all of these four problems?

If so, you may be paying a higher price than you realize. Stunted career advancement; excessive stress from management hassles and headaches can wear on your health and family relationships, extra hours to compensate can make work life balance spin out of control; unnecessary turnover on your team can exacerbate the issue and add frustration and burnout, more hours lost on interviewing can cause project deadlines to slip; and finally, quality of life starts becoming even more difficult to define as the line between work and home blurs.

If I’m not telling you anything new, and you’ve been living this scenario for quite some time, then I’ve got great news!

I just put together a FREE training which addresses these and more issues that commonly go sideways and how to efficiently get the results you’re looking for in less time.

If you’re ready to bring the frustration to an end, just click the button below to get started.

Jonathan Schultz

Jonathan Schultz is a recruiting consultant to the Software Industry based in Austin, Texas. He helps leaders eliminate defective process/poor results. Hiring transforms via focus on objective deliverables accurate assessment methods and conversational interview techniques.
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